Grateful: quiet evenings at home

My husband and I have always done things together. From thirty years ago, when we met, even our dates were often quiet evenings spent making something. We built a bird cage. We wove a shawl. We made beer before it was popular to make home brew.

I’ve been trying to stay caught up on my cataloging. Working half time this year means that most of the time I spend at work is spent with kids. That’s lovely! But to get all the transitional work done in the library catalog that I want to complete, and to get books in kids’ hands as soon as I possibly can after our wildly successful book fair (close to 200 books donated!!), I sometimes need to finish  parts of my cataloging and processing work at home so that my time at work is all focused on the kids.

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Grateful, I am, for my husband, who offered to learn how to apply the cello book covers to all my new hardcover books from the book fair. There are so many!

Because he worked on covering a big bunch of those books this evening, I could focus on getting these stacks ready for the next phase of cataloging as well.

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About vst3in

I am a writer, avid reader, birder, food preserver, and retired school library lady. I love colors and textures looking for them in the world around me. I'm working on a historical novel and reading lots of books for young people. I'm working to stay strong into my senior years, and I sail with my husband. This blog contains thoughts about all these things.
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